Paracelsus Clinic Lustmühle

Academy Events

Welcome to Paracelsus Academy Events

It’s our vision to spread the know-how and treatment methods of Swiss Biological Medicine all across the world, creating a community of like-minded practitioners.

Attend these events to gain professional education about difficult disease diagnosis, treatment and self-care using the Biological Medicine approach. A team of international lecturers experienced in Biological Medicine will lead selected events.

In the past the Academy Special Events presented various aspects of the Biological Medicine approach to complex and difficult diseases such as cancer, autoimmune conditions, inflammatory and infectious diseases like chronic Lyme, neurological disease, and other conditions in the category of idiopathic disease. We also held Dark Field microscopy workshops in China and public talks in various countries like USA, Germany etc.

Everyone is Welcome!
The Paracelsus Academy extends a warm invitation to all professionals, medical personnel, and individuals interested in natural medicine to join us for our events, seminars, or workshops. Our programs cover Paracelsus concepts, root-cause analysis, treatment approaches, and state-of-the-art equipment and methods utilized at the Paracelsus Clinic. These are employed not only to diagnose and treat challenging diseases but also to support self-care strategies at home and prevention efforts.

Next Event: 5-Day 3-Pillars of Health Seminar:
Introduction to the Biological Medicine Certified Program in Switzerland

Date: September 2024 | 5 days (final dates will be announced)
Time: 09:00 – 12:00 am und 13:30 – 16:00 pm
Language: English
Venue: Paracelsus Clinic | Battenhusstrasse 12 | Lustmühle, Switzerland

Dr Renate Liu and Eric Kimbles N.D. are one of the world’s foremost practitioners of Biological Medicine.


Learn about:

  • Paracelsus Clinic, its history, philosophy and about the concept of Biological Medicine
  • Paracelsus specialized diagnostic methods to find root causes of chronic disease
  • Paracelsus Dental concept and diagnosis methods and its significant role in Biological Medicine
  • Milieu therapy and the regulation capacity of the body 
  • Basics of the Paracelsus 3-Pillar therapy concept 
  • The importance of toxic overload in chronic diseases and successful detoxification methods (Pillar 1) 
  • The role of intestinal health and the immune system in chronic disease (Pillar 2)
  • The role of regeneration and regulation in Biological Medicine (Pillar 3)
  • Unique and individualized programs for cancer patients and other chronic diseases
  • Introduction and experience of treatments related to regeneration and active aging including high altitude oxygen treatment, organ cell extract cell therapy and neurotherapy.

Who can attend:

This is a public event open for everybody who is interested to learn more about the Swiss Biological Medicine approach.

More Information:
Dr. Sonja Lewandowski
Tel +41 71 335 71 27

Booking deadline:
Thursday 01-08-2024