Chronic Infections

Advanced Lyme, Covid Long-Haulers, and more

Lyme Disease, Long-Covid, and Beyond: The Milieu Matters More Than the Microbe

A very high percentage of patients – well over a third, in most studies – suffer lingering effects, from lung damage to fatigue to mysterious neurological symptoms. 

Conventional medicine is quick to blame to the novel pathogen, SARS CoV-2, that causes Covid-19 infection.  But at Paracelsus, we have successfully treated Chronic Lyme patients for decades.  We know this perspective on chronic infections does not cure the patient.

Chronic and advanced Lyme disease has been an epidemic in the Western world for many years. But it’s not the only such problem. The frequency of many infectious diseases has been rising too – despite improved hygiene, a rich diet, vaccinations and antibiotics. And of course, we are seeing many more disease-resistant bacteria, which are now a major cause of death in hospitals worldwide.

Is the problem really the evil pathogens? In Biological Medicine, we don’t think so. As Pasteur famously said, “The microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything.” The scientific evidence is overwhelming that at an epidemiological level, our “terrain” has been degrading for years. If only conventional medicine would open its eyes to this reality, people would suffer many fewer severe and chronic infections.

→ The Paracelsus Immune Boost Program

Consider Chronic Lyme, for example. The conventional diagnosis is terribly flawed, which means many cases are over-diagnosed. The conventional treatment is massive doses of antibiotics, which undermine the foundation of the immune system – the microbiome of the intestines. Because the antibiotics suppress the immune system, the “terrain” of the body is made more favorable to the pathogen by the conventional medical treatment itself.

We’ve seen scores of such advanced Lyme patients at Paracelsus, and almost all of them present to us after years of suffering. Fortunately, we can offer them, at long last, a real solution!

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Chronic Infections:
  • Chronic virus infestation (EBV, CMV, coxsackievirus, herpes, hepatitis)
  • Chronic parasite infestation (toxoplasmosis, malaria, pinworms, liver flukes, etc.)
  • Chronic bacterial infections (sinusitis, tonsillitis, appendicitis, osteomyelitis, etc.)
  • Mycoplasma infections
  • Chronic susceptibility to infection
  • Chronic fungal infections like dermatophyte, nail fungus or vaginal mycosis
  • Specific infections caused by Bartonella, Shigella, salmonellae or Yersinia
  • Chlamydia infections, and again
  • Borreliosis (also known as neuro-borreliosis or Lyme’s disease)

The beginning point in Biological Medicine is always to ask, “Why did my patient get sick?” In cases of chronic infection, this almost always involves immune suppression and chronic inflammation. These co-morbid conditions can be the result of many factors, often including toxicity. This underlying weakness makes the terrain of the body tolerate a low-level, long-lasting infection, even if antibiotics push back against the initial acute phase of the infection.

In such complex cases, it isn’t enough to simply take a probiotic. Our diagnostics reveal the full picture, including the makeup of the microbiome, the toxins that have been buried in cells, co-infections (other pathogens typically have exploited the weakness of the immune system, so there can be many!), and the loci of chronic inflammation. From this comprehensive understanding we are able to rebuild the immune system and finally rid the body of the entrenched infection.

We invite you to listen to the video nearby of a patient who had suffered from Lyme for many years. The consequences of the disease had ruined her life. But once we had rebuilt her “terrain”, her own body healed itself of the illness. She feels better today than she did before the advent of her illness.