Paracelsus Clinic Lustmühle

Paracelsus Academy Workshops

Workshops Online and at Paracelsus Clinic

At the Paracelsus Academy, we teach you how to restore the power of natural systems from within – cell by cell. Both scientific and holistic, this approach will help you in your home practice, especially with difficult cases of chronic and degenerative disease.  

We offer special seminars at the Clinic for experienced healthcare professionals such as doctors, dentists, naturopathic doctors and therapists, as well as lay people interested in biological medicine. With on-site training, you not only meet and connect with like-minded practitioners from all around the world, but you also learn how the Clinic works.

Paracelsus Workshops 


In diesem Workshop lernen Sie, die Dunkelfeldmikroskopie für die vitale Blutanalyse praktisch anzuwenden und ihre Relevanz für Ihre therapeutischen Methoden zu verstehen. Sie werden lernen, Anwendungen von der Blutpräparation über die Mikroskopbedienung bis zur Interpretation der Befunde gemäß einem klar strukturierten Konzept durchzuführen. Blutabstriche von Teilnehmern und Patienten werden gemeinsam über einen Seminarprojektor diskutiert und sinnvolle biologische Behandlungsoptionen erörtert.

Die mikroskopische Untersuchung von lebendem Blut dient als vorläufiges diagnostisches Werkzeug und ergänzt die quantitative Laboranalyse perfekt. Die Dunkelfelduntersuchung gibt Einblicke in die qualitative Beschaffenheit des Blutes. Im Gegensatz zur weit verbreiteten Hellfeldmikroskopie stellt die Dunkelfeldmikroskopie das Objekt vor einem schwarzen Hintergrund unter Verwendung spezieller Phasenkontrasttechniken dar. Dadurch ermöglicht sie einen hochauflösenden Kontrast aller zellulären und plasmatischen Bestandteile und liefert Hinweise auf rheologische Störungen sowie Störungen im Säure-Basen-Haushalt, die immunologische Leistungsfähigkeit der Leukozyten, Störungen in der Erythropoese, Membraneigenschaften der Erythrozyten, freie Radikale, toxische Belastungen von Blutzellen und Plasma und vieles mehr.

Die sichtbaren Anzeichen von Körperinterferenzfeldern und einem undichten Darm können zusätzlich Therapieblockaden erklären. Daher ist die Methode eine entscheidende Grundlage für die Isopathie (SANUM-Therapie). Da die Methode mit Foto- und Videotechnologie dokumentierbar ist, wird ein gutes Verständnis des inneren Körpermilieus und anschließender Milieutherapie vermittelt.

Schliesslich sollte der “psychologische Nutzen” für den Patienten nicht vernachlässigt werden: Wenn der Patient sein frisch präpariertes Blut auf dem Monitor sehen kann, ist er tief beeindruckt. Wenn ihm die Befunde fachkundig erklärt werden, resultiert dies in einem hochmotivierten Patienten mit vorbildlicher Compliance.

Ärzte, Zahnärzte, Heilpraktiker, alternative Mediziner, Therapeuten, Apotheker sowie medizinische Fachkräfte.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Im Seminar wird die Dunkelfeldmikroskopie des vitalen Blutes praktisch angewendet und theoretisch erläutert. Es wird von äusserst erfahrenen Referenten durchgeführt, die auch gerne Fragen aus dem medizinischen Alltag beantworten. Vorkenntnisse sind von Vorteil, aber nicht erforderlich.

In this workshop, you will learn to practically apply dark field microscopy for vital blood analysis and understand its relevance for your therapeutic methods. You will learn to perform applications from blood preparation to microscope handling to interpretation of findings following a clearly structured concept. Blood smears from participants and patients will be discussed together via a seminar projector and meaningful biological treatment options will be debated.

The microscopic examination of living blood serves as a preliminary diagnostic tool and complements the quantitative laboratory analysis, perfectly. The Darkfield examination gives insight into the qualitative nature of the blood. Unlike the widespread bright field microscopy, dark field microscopy depicts the object background in black using special phase contrast techniques. This enables high-resolution contrast of all cellular and plasma components, providing clues to rheological disorders as well as disturbances in acid-base balance, the immunological performance of leukocytes, disturbances in erythropoiesis, membrane properties of erythrocytes, free radicals, toxic burdens of blood cells and plasma, and much more.

The visible indications of body interference field and leaky gut of the intestine can additionally explain therapy blockages. Therefore, the method is a crucial basis for isopathy (SANUM therapy). Because the method is documentable with photo and video technology, a good understanding of the inner body milieu and subsequent milieu therapy is given.

Finally, the “psychological benefit” for the patient should not be neglected: if the patient can see his own freshly prepared blood on the monitor, he is deeply impressed. If the findings are expertly explained to him, the result is a highly motivated patient with exemplary compliance.

Target Groups
Physicians, dentists, naturopaths, alternative practitioners, therapists, pharmacists, as well as medical professionals.

Additional Information
In the seminar, dark field microscopy of vital blood is practically applied and theoretically explained. It is conducted by extremely experienced speakers who are also happy to answer questions from everyday medical practice. Previous knowledge is advantageous but not required.

This module focuses on the Paracelsus Nutritional approach and recurring nutritional matters important for long-term treatment success.

More than 65 years of experience has refined the understanding of disease causation influences provoked by dietary factors. Those experiences are translated into action plans that provide important therapeutic benefit for so many chronic ailments such as allergies, fibromyalgia, CFS, neuralgias, MS, autism, ADD & ADHD, Crohn’s disease, IBS, arthritis, inflammatory conditions, hypertension, diabetes, cancer and more.

Without managing this central aspect of patient long-term health, we are only achieving temporary relief with the other tools in our toolbox. When all these aspects of Swiss Biological Medicine care are applied together, the true power of natural healing is released. These approaches have been proven effective time and again in several patient cases at the Paracelsus Clinic, Lustmühle.

Plasma apheresis is a valuable addition to the arsenal of Biological Medical devices, particularly for addressing chronic diseases with elusive diagnoses, often termed “mystery diseases.” This practical seminar highlights the significance of plasma apheresis in the management of such conditions, with a specific focus on its efficacy in supporting patients, including those suffering from Long-Covid and Lyme Disease.



  • Introduction to Plasma Apheresis: Understand the principles and mechanisms behind plasma apheresis and its role as a therapeutic modality in Biological Medicine. Explore how it complements existing treatment strategies, particularly in cases where conventional approaches have fallen short in providing relief or clarity in diagnosis.
  • Addressing Chronic Diseases with No Clear Diagnosis: Often chronic diseases with ambiguous etiology and symptomatology are a challenge for practitioners. Learn how plasma apheresis offers a targeted approach to managing these conditions by removing harmful circulating factors and resetting the immune system.
  • The included workshop will examine a real-life case study and patient example to illustrate its application and procedure.
  • Gain insights into how plasma apheresis can alleviate symptoms, improve quality of life, and promote recovery in long COVID patients.
  • Learn about the apparatus used, indications for treatment, and therapeutic protocols tailored to different disease presentations.
  • The importance of a patient-centered approach in plasma apheresis therapy is emphazided.
  • Q&A and Discussion: Engage in interactive discussions and Q&A sessions to clarify doubts, share experiences, and explore best practices in plasma apheresis therapy. Exchange insights with expert practitioners and peers in the field.

This seminar provides a comprehensive overview of plasma apheresis as a valuable tool in the management of difficult-to-treat diseases, offering practitioners practical guidance and insights into its application in clinical practice.

Target group
Experienced healthcare professionals such as doctors, dentists, naturopathic doctors, therapists and laypeople interested in learning Biological Medicine.

Further Information
These seminars are very intense and include practical work. This allows to learn and practice Biological Medicine. If you follow all the 8 seminars, you will get a Paracelsus Academy Certificate for Biological Medicine, which allows you to get into a dense cooperation with Paracelsus Clinic and to follow an additional internship.

Watch our videos on YouTube.

Interested to join?
If you have any questions before your register, please contact:

For detailed information please contact us at:

Paracelsus Academy
Battenhusstrasse 12
CH-9053 Teufen, Lustmühle

Your contact person:
Dr. Sonja Lewandowski

T: +41 71 335 71 27