Prostate cancer ranks as the most prevalent cancer among men. In Germany alone, approximately 65,820 cases were diagnosed in 2020 – roughly four times the population of the Canton of Appenzell (1). The absolute 5-year survival rate for prostate cancer stands at 90%, largely attributed to early detection. However, behind these statistical data lies the individual experience of each patient (2).
Understanding Individual Risk
To gain a better understanding of individual risk and the course of the disease in the coming years, an open discussion with your trusted physician is essential. Various factors come into play, including overall health status, hormonal influences, cancer stage, and lifestyle.
Making Decisions: Biopsy, Surgery, and Beyond
The decision for or against a biopsy or surgery is often a complex matter. It’s important to grasp that prostate surgery doesn’t simply equate to the disappearance of cancer. It can also entail significant side effects such as impotence, urinary problems, and pain. Conversely, a holistic cancer therapy aims to cure the causes of cancer, regenerate the body and improve overall well-being and quality of life.
Early Detection and Early-stage Treatment
The prognosis for prostate cancer is particularly favorable when the tumor is detected early. Local therapies such as surgery or radiation can be successful but also come with significant side effects like mentioned above. Since these side effects greatly impact quality of life, it’s important to find methods that enable early detection without causing overtreatment. This was hoped to be achieved with the determination of Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA). Although often a very good indicator of cancer progress, it must be noted that the PSA value is also released by an inflamed or otherwise irritated prostate (e.g., intense cycling, benign prostatic hyperplasia, age, post-ejaculation, prostatitis), as well, some prostate tumors do not produce PSA. Thus, other diagnostic methods should be used alongside the PSA value.

Other Diagnostic Methods and Symptoms
Symptoms of prostate cancer may resemble those of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Additionally, it’s important to note that symptoms may not manifest initially. Later on, symptoms such as urinary problems, erectile dysfunction, and back pain may occur. At Paracelsus we use various diagnostic methods such as palpation, ultrasound, regular PSA blood test and epigenetic tests.
In conventional medicine, when the PSA is elevated and a patient is experiencing blood in the urine, pain or blood in the semen, imaging (Ultrasound, and later an MRI) is the first step taken. If a suspicious lesion(s) is noted during imaging, then a biopsy is recommended. However, these offer no absolute certainty, and we usually advise against them since they involve a small injury in the middle of suspected tumor tissue. Because wounds need to heal, small growth stimuli are thereby set, and from the perspective of Biological Medicine, this is the stimulus that converts a dormant tumor into a growing one.
It can also happen that the biopsy misses just next to the cancer, or cells are found that cannot be accurately identified as truly malignant cancer even under the microscope. Moreover, biopsies often yield false negatives, and mechanical manipulation can lead to the spread of cancer cells.
At the Paracelsus Clinic, we examine the prostate with ultrasound to detect cancerous lesions due to their different density. A Doppler ultrasound indicates the blood flow rate of questionable cancerous lesions: the more vascularized a cancer is, the more malignant it is. In ultrasound, we can see if the capsule is breached, which is not possible in biopsy.
New Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment
As was explained above, a conventional biopsy is not always the best option as it does not always provide reliable results and even carries the risk of spreading cancer cells. New approaches such as liquid biopsy allow for the identification and genetic examination of cancer cells in the blood, enabling more precise diagnosis and treatment planning (3). For example, a measure for genes producing KLK3 (PSA), FOLH1 (PSMA), AMACR (Racemase), EPCAM, etc., are done. Importantly as well, MALAT1, which regulates metastasis associated genes, is extremely valuable information to discern between a slow and fast-growing tumor (4). Paracelsus has been working with such labs for years and can offer targeted biological therapies based on this and show their success over time. For more information, our doctors are happy to advise you on various options.
Holistic Treatment Approaches for Prostate Cancer
At the Paracelsus Clinic, we pursue a holistic approach to treating prostate cancer. It’s important for us to identify the causes of cancer, and there are always multiple! We believe that it’s not simply degenerated tissue but rather the body’s own cells equipped with a disrupted yet unique gene program, complete with all development, survival, and camouflage strategies (5). As we know from epigenetic research, genes are controlled and influenced by the environment. Attempts to destroy tumors with extremely side-effect-rich therapy methods such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgical interventions are rather counterproductive and not truly successful in the long run without addressing the root causes.
Possible causes from a holistic perspective include:
- Hormonal imbalances / liver disorders
- Heavy metal exposure
- Dental foci
- Chronic intestinal problems / stool problems / microflora disturbances
- Psychological factors
- Pesticides, herbicides and plastics
- Poor nutrition / excessive alcohol consumption
- Smokers have a higher risk of death from prostate cancer compared to non-smokers
- Direct and indirect elimination of tumor tissue, disruption of growth
- Improvement of the body’s own immune defense
- Gut restoration (leaky gut, dysbiosis and hidden food allergies strain the immune system)
- Improvement of general metabolism and mitochondrial therapy
- Optimization of detoxification processes
- Reduction of toxic burdens
- Optimization of cell membrane potentials
- Reduction of inflammatory processes (including dental treatment, nutritional counselling)
- Reduction of socio-psychological stress
- Prevention of recurrence, particularly through epigenetic measures of so-called tumor stem cells
Prevention and Quality of Life
It is important for us that the treatment of prostate cancer encompasses not only combating the cancer but also improving the quality of life and preventing further illnesses. This includes a healthy diet, body-mind counselling, milieu therapy, metabolic optimization, and intestinal reconstruction. While on one hand, important physiological functions such as cell metabolism and natural detoxification processes are elevated and optimized, all destructive reactions, such as inflammation and pain, both endogenous and external toxins, not least the psychosocial stress in every respect, as well as pain of any kind, are to be reduced (6).
In addition to directly treating the tumor tissue, we focus on strengthening the immune system, detoxifying the body, and reducing negative influencing factors such as stress and inflammation (7).
The doctors at the Paracelsus Clinic have developed a highly successful treatment concept over many years which includes, depending on each case, the following treatments:
- Holistic treatment of cancer tendencies by eliminating generally harmful influences: heavy metals, toxins from root-treated teeth, trace element and vitamin deficiencies, acidification of metabolism, plastics, herbicides and pesticides, etc.
- Local hyperthermia (Indiba), an interferential current heat therapy for painless local overheating of tumor tissue, which is destroyed by temperature greater than 41.5 degrees Celsius – but not healthy tissue. Ideally, 20 treatments 2-3 times a week.
- Mistletoe therapy, the best-researched biological tumor therapy. A mistletoe preparation is injected by the patient himself under the skin in increasing dosage 2-3 times a week. We were able to significantly improve the effect by adding haptens. Haptens make the tumor cells recognizable to our immune system (killer cells) and are homeopathic remedies.
- Local injection neural therapy, an injection technique into the nerve complex which lies above the prostate. This area is referred to the Frankenhaeuser’s ganglia, and a depot of ultra-low dose hormone (estrogen analog), homeopathic medicines all in a base with procaine, has been an extremely successful treatment for many men experiencing prostatic cancer. Start with 10 injections 1-2 times a week, then a transition to a lower frequency is discussed after lab testing reveals and/or the clinical signs have improved.
- Oral homeopathic drops with “low-dose” hormones, i.e., a specially prepared mixture of homeopathics and again hormones diluted 40-100 times compared to conventional medicine. The dosage is individually adjusted according to the PSA control values.
- Papimi: ion-magnetic induction therapy.
- Infusion therapies such as high-dose administration of vitamins and minerals.
New Hope for Cancer Patients
The Paracelsus Clinic aims to open up new avenues for cancer patients through a more integrative treatment approach. By addressing the underlying causes, offering a more specific diagnosis, and tailoring our treatment to the unique circumstances of each individual, have we been successful in treating prostate cancer. It may as well be necessary, that a collaborative program with your current conventional therapy is necessary, and we are also happy to coordinate with your medical team at home in any desired form.
If you have any questions about prostate cancer or other health problems, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to answer your questions and help you find suitable treatment options.
- Nikanjam M, Kato S, Kurzrock R. Liquid biopsy: current technology and clinical applications. J Hematol Oncol. 2022 Sep 12;15(1):131.
- Limaye, Sewanti, et al. Accurate prostate cancer detection based on enrichment and characterization of prostate cancer specific circulating tumor cells. Cancer Medicine 12.8 (2023): 9116-9127.
- Seyfried, T.N., Shelton, L.M. Cancer as a metabolic disease. 2010; Nutr Metab (Lond) 7, 7.
- Sekhoacha, Mamello, et al. “Prostate cancer review: genetics, diagnosis, treatment options, and alternative approaches.” Molecules 27.17 (2022): 5730.
- Kraft M and Pfeifer B. Langzeitüberleben mit metastasiertem und kastrationsresistentem Prostatakrebs. Onkologie heute 8/2023:16-22.