Biological systems have the inherent capacity for self-organization, and these self-regulation systems continually work to maintain our body’s health and balance as much as possible.
Biological Medicine recognizes this capacity and views the human being as a synthesis of physical, biological, emotional, mental, and social elements. Each of these elements has fundamental needs; meeting these needs will activate the self-regulation system to achieve optimal health.
Our interactions with the world are complex and expose us to forces and situations that can either promote or hinder our health, depending on our beliefs and physical constitution. These external or internal influences can affect both our psychological or physical well-being (1).
Psychological and Emotional Influences
Humans are social beings, and our environment constantly impacts us. Family, educational, professional, social, and cultural pressures can lead to unhealthy beliefs and behaviours that seriously impair our self-regulation processes (2).
During chronic illness, it is crucial to become aware of our beliefs and behaviours and restructure them if nec-essary to strengthen our self-regulation systems and promote healing. Mind-body medicine at Paracelsus helps to find and dissolve blockages and change our attitudes and perceptions (3).
The autonomic nervous system plays a crucial part. When balanced through various therapies and mindfulness exercises, stress reduction can increase the body’s self-healing power through its natural restorative processes.
Physical Influences
Our bodies are naturally genius at maintaining a balanced, healthy state when left to their own processes and supported in their efforts, with numerous self-regulation systems working harmoniously to sustain health and well-being. However, these finely tuned mechanisms can be disrupted by various external environmental influences.
Toxins, heavy metals, and acids are well-known disruptors of these self-regulation systems. These environmen-tal, food and air toxins can accumulate in the body and burden various body and organ systems. Heavy metals like mercury, lead, and aluminium are deposited in the extracellular and intracellular tissue, which we call inner milieu. The extracellular milieu’s biochemical and mechanical properties like its composition and viscosity regulate processes and can contribute in development of cancer and fibrosis for example (4). Environmental neuro-toxicity is particularly alarming, as it results from the inhibition of mitochondrial activity, excessive oxidative stress leading to neuroinflammation, and the promotion of apoptosis and neuronal death (5).
"We Die an Acid Death"
Metabolism produces various waste products including acids like ammonium, sulfate, phosphate, and organic acids. These acids are deposited in connective tissue, muscles, and joints. The accumulation of acids can lead to inflammation, which in turn can cause pain (6). Additionally, acid-forming foods and an unhealthy lifestyle can lead to an acidic extracellular body environment, further disrupting self-regulation and affecting the balance in the body, as well as the functions of cells and organs. Therefore, it is important eat more plant-based alkalising diet to balance the acid-base ratio in the body to ensure optimal health (1).
German doctor and researcher Prof. Dr. med. Gunther Enderlein observed that microorganisms exist in a cycle (which he called “Cyclode”) starting from virus-like particles and extending through bacterial forms to fungal stages. He named these developmental stages protits, chondrites, and other terms. He saw the smallest parti-cles, the so-called protits, as non-pathogenic symbionts that can grow into pathogenic forms under certain conditions. A central principle of Enderlein’s theory was that diseases arise from an imbalance between these microorganisms and the host. When the body’s environment the so-called inner milieu, particularly the pH, is out of balance, harmless microorganisms can develop into pathogenic forms and cause diseases (7).
Body Functions and systems which are affected by toxic overload:
- Cell membrane functions such as cell membrane potential, membrane proteins and channels
- Immune system dysregulation
- Digestive glands like liver and pancreas
- Epigenetic changes and DNA repair processes
- Extracellular tissue with less oxygen and more acid can cause cancer and other chronic disease
- Enzymes are prevented or disrupted
- Hormones are prevented or disrupted
- Etc.
As mentioned above the body has an inherent ability to maintain health through self-regulation, but when external influences accumulate and excessively disturb its functions, this self-regulation can falter, leading to the emergence of symptoms that may eventually become chronic. This can lead to a variety of health problems, including chronic diseases, inflammation, and reduced regenerative capacity.
Therefore, it is important to take measures to reduce the burden of toxins, heavy metals, and acids and to support the body’s self-regulation (1). This includes thorough and professional detoxification of the body, targeted nutritional therapy, promoting an alkaline environment in the body, avoiding harmful environmental toxins, holistic gut reconstruction, and individualised regeneration und up-building therapy with certain remedies and supplements (4).
By consistently reducing these burdens and simultaneously building up our bodies, we can restore and strengthen our body’s self-regulation systems. In the long run, this maintains health by letting the body do its job of self-regulation. We just help the body initially to find its balance again by relieving its burden.
Biological Medicine comprehensive approach to Detoxification
The Paracelsus Clinic benefits from its many years of experience in restoring the body’s regulatory capabilities. When it comes to detoxication, Biological Medicine differs from conventional, functional, and naturopathic approaches. Accurate diagnostics are the first priority. We want to determine what and how much needs to be detoxified. Moreover, we test how well the body can detoxify and which excretory organs need support. If toxins are released from the body’s milieu or cells too quickly and are not excreted fast enough, they could cause more harm. Additionally, we offer a wide range of detoxification options and applications, which we tailor individually for our patients. For chronically ill patients, we recommend medical supervision during detox-ification to avoid worsening symptoms in the first phase of toxin mobilisation.
What can we do to kick-start self-regulation of the body?
1. Self-Regulation Therapy with Mind-Body Medicine
To restore and cultivate the original and healthy balance of our nature’s constitutional aspects, it is first im-portant to become aware of this imbalance. Through structured verbal and non-verbal (breathing, self-awareness, and movement) exercises, we learn to be more in touch with our complex needs, how to meet them, and consequently restore our feelings of well-being and purpose, and thus our physical health. We offer Mind-Body Medicine at Paracelsus to guide patients in this process of self-awareness.
2. Milieu Therapy
Milieu therapy is a holistic treatment approach aimed at optimizing the body’s internal environment. It includes various measures to improve the inner milieu in which cells live and function. These measures include:
Detoxification: Targeted detoxification measures remove toxins from the body, reducing the burden on cells and supporting regeneration.
Acid-Base Balance: Regulating the acid-base balance is crucial for optimal cell function. In an alkaline body environment, cancer cells cannot accumulate, inflammation cannot become chronic, chronic pain cannot develop, and parasites cannot survive.
Epigenetics: Milieu therapy also considers epigenetic factors that can influence gene expression. A healthy environment and lifestyle can promote positive epigenetic changes.
Manual Therapies: Various therapies such as lymphatic drainage, colon hydrotherapy, and connective tissue massage aim to mobilize toxins, stimulate lymph flow and metabolism, and improve oxygen access. This strengthens and accelerates the body’s regenerative processes.
3. Cell Membrane Improvement
A healthy cell membrane is crucial for the exchange of nutrients and detoxification of the cell. Normally, the cell membrane has a voltage of about 70mV. In diseases, this voltage decreases, leading to reduced function and less exchange of nutrients and waste products in and out of the cell. At the Paracelsus Clinic, we use devices like Papimi and magnetic field therapy to improve cell membrane function. The PAPIMI device creates a pulsed electromagnetic field applied to different parts of the body, potentially stimulating and activating the normal healing process, including tissue growth and repair.
4. Gut Reconstruction
Only when the gut functions properly and receives the appropriate nutrition can it optimally digest and perform its additional tasks. This includes optimal nutrient absorption, immune modulation, and excretion. The gut has a rapidly regenerating mucosa. Within just 4-7 days, the gut mucosa cells can regenerate (8). With the right diet, prebiotics, probiotics, remedies, and therapies, we have the opportunity to relatively quickly stimulate regulation in the body through gut reconstruction (9). This particularly affects the immune system, digestive glands like the liver and pancreas, the autonomic nervous system, and various hormones (e.g., serotonin is produced in the gut mucosa).
5. Nutrition
A hypo-allergenic diet, especially through detox programs and plant-based nutrition, can lead to better regulation by providing more nutrients, relieving the liver and immune system, creating an alkaline environment, and giving the body a chance to reorganise (9). In terms of nutrition, milieu therapy focuses on the Paracelsus Elimination diet which is rich in vital substances while reducing the burden on the body. This includes:
Eliminating allergens, toxins and foods that are difficult to digest: A modified FxMayr diet, intermittent fasting or fasting programs which we implement have been shown to decrease chronic inflammation, decrease the risk of many diseases and regenerate the body (9).
Plant-Based Nutrition: A diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds provides essential nutrients (particularly bioactive phytochemicals) and supports body regulation and regenera-tion (10).
Metabolic Liver Cleanse: At the Paracelsus Clinic, we offer various therapies and programs to detox the liver and optimise metabolism. Since the liver plays a central role in the body’s detoxification, nutrition plays an important role.
6. Regeneration Therapies
Various methods of biological medicine additionally strengthen building forces to improve regenerative pro-cesses and vitality. We support patients with specialized infusions, remedies, and up-building therapies. Biolog-ical Medicine offers a wide range of remedies and nutrients, some of them briefly mentioned here:
Orthomolecular medicine: This therapy focuses on providing the body with optimal amounts of vit-amins, minerals, amino acids, and other essential nutrients to optimize cell function and improve reg-ulation. At the Paracelsus Clinic, we use special infusions, as patients often benefit from a direct route, especially if the absorption of nutrients and supplements is impaired through the gut, as in leaky gut syndrome.
Phytotherapy: The use of plant extracts and herbs to support the body’s regulation can be an effective complement to other therapies. Many plants have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and even anti-genotoxic properties that can specifically influence the regulation and regeneration potential (11).
Homeopathy/Isopathy: Homeopathic and isopathic remedies are used to stimulate the body’s self-healing powers and improve regulation. By using various substances in individual potencies, physical and psychological processes in the body and mind can be encouraged to self-regulate and restore balance.
Cell Therapy: Ribonucleic acids (RNAs) are crucial factors for regeneration, necessary for maintaining healthy tissues and preventing diseases. The hypothesis regarding RNA’s role in regeneration suggests that the body, after the age of 40, no longer possesses sufficient biologically active RNA. Therapeutically, RNA from specific organs, as well as from plants and yeast, is used to promote peptide production, benefiting the organs (12,13).
Over the years, the Paracelsus Clinic has gained substantial experience with organ cell extracts to sup-port regeneration. Organ cell extracts are biologically active substances that, like RNA regeneration therapy, can have an epigenetic influence. The peptides contained in the extracts can affect the cellular environment to create a more favourable epigenetic landscape for cell regeneration and repair. In our experience, the best effectiveness of organ cell extracts and other RNA regeneration therapies is achieved when the internal milieu of the cell is simultaneously treated.

Regeneration as the 3rd Pillar of Paracelsus Biological Medicine
Promoting regulation is a central component of Paracelsus Biological Medicine. Biological systems share several common features, including self-organization, internal stability, robustness, and resilience. Bioregulatory medicine focuses on supporting and enhancing these natural characteristics. Milieu therapy and the aforementioned therapeutic approaches are essential building blocks for supporting natural healing processes. By paying conscious attention to these self-regulation processes, we can make a significant contribution to our patients’ health and achieve the regeneration of chronic diseases.
1 Fioranelli M, et al. Clinical Applications of System Regulation Medicine. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2019 Sep 14;7(18):3053-3060.
2 Greeson JM, Chin GR. Mindfulness and physical disease: a concise review. Curr Opin Psychol. 2019 Aug;28:204-210.
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7 Liu Y, Chen YG. Intestinal epithelial plasticity and regeneration via cell dedifferentiation. Cell rain. 2020 Sep 1;9(1):14.
8 Barbara G, et al. Inflammatory and Microbiota-Related Regulation of the Intestinal Epithelial Barrier. Front Nutr. 2021 Sep 13;8:718356.
9 Rangan P, et al. Fasting-Mimicking Diet Modulates Microbiota and Promotes Intestinal Regeneration to Reduce Inflammatory Bowel Disease Pathology. Cell Rep. 2019 Mar 5;26(10):2704-2719.e6.
10 López-Romero D, et al. E. Evidence of Some Natural Products with Antigenotoxic Effects. Part 2: Plants, Vegetables, and Natural Resin. Nutrients. 2018 Dec 10;10(12):1954.
11 Pischinger, Alfred. The extracellular matrix and ground regulation: Basis for a holistic biological medicine. North Atlantic Books, 2007.
12 Yang, Min, et al. “The roles of non-coding RNA in the development and regeneration of hair follicles: current status and further perspectives.” Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 9 (2021): 720879.